Join the GLA (or Renew your Membership) here!
Join the Greater Loudonville Association today to help preserve and promote the historic and community character of the Greater Loudonville area. You will receive a subscription to the Elm Tree Newsletter and invitations to all GLA events.
Also please consider joining a GLA committee, by contacting the GLA at or one of the GLA board members. You will enjoy meeting and working alongside your neighbors.
Memberships are renewed annually and are fully tax deductible. By paying your membership dues, your financial support helps to pay for the costs to implement the many activities of the GLA. These events and initiatives indeed make Loudonville a very special place to live in the Capital District. We value your membership and so will you.
GLA's Annual Dues structure:
Individual $25
Family $50
Friend $100
Supporter $250
President’s List $350
Patron $750
Benefactor $1,000
You can join, or renew your membership, by check or electronic payment:
By check - Just download and print the membership form here and the mail your check with the form.
By electronic payment (Credit Card or Debit Card) – Simply use this link; you will receive an email receipt confirming your payment. In the notes section, indicate that that your payment is for “dues” and include your mailing address if you are a new member, or renewing with an address change.